As swim parents of an 11, 9 and 7-year-old, Anne and I know how expensive the sport of swimming can get. If you currently are not in the swim community or you are new to the swim community, one of the initial thoughts you may have is, “hey I’ll just buy a pair of ‘swim trunks’ and a set of goggles and my kid is ‘good to go’.” You quickly realize how wrong this thought is----do not worry though; you, are not alone. We have all been down this exact road. Lane 4 Athletic is here to help you by providing high quality swim gear, at affordable prices, and cool T-shirts geared towards your competitive swimmer---young or old without breaking your wallet for yet another T-shirt. I invite you to take a look around our website. I am confident you will find something that your swimmer will be happy to wear and be proud to sport.
Because Anne and I have been part of our club team for a number of years, we also know that many clubs rely on fundraising and parent volunteers in order for the club to survive, function and expand. For these reasons, Lane 4 Athletic has established a “Rewards Program” for any and all swim teams. To register your team, simply email us at info@l4athletic.com. In the email, please include the name of your club, the name of your head coach, contact information for your head coach, and you are set. Once your team is registered, your team will earn 10% back on all purchases over $50.00. At the time of checkout, all you have to do in the “notes section” is put the name of your swim team. The “Rewards Program” applies to not only swim gear (such as swimsuits and goggles) but it also applies to custom apparel orders that Lane 4 Athletic creates for your team. For example, if your team orders 200 custom made T-shirts from Lane 4 Athletic, your team will earn 10% back on that order. The 10% cash back will be paid to your team on a monthly basis.
Thank you for supporting Lane 4 Athletic and we hope to see you at the next swim meet---wherever that may be.
Al McDonagh--Founder/Lane 4 Athletic